

Today I had my first clients from the Czech Republic. It was a large group, 12 in total, so we split the afternoon into two halves and I took 6 out at a time whilst the rest sat happily in the Badachro Inn sipping a nice drink.

My Czech language skills are non existent, so luckily most of the group could understand me, and for the few who didn’t a quick translation was easily made. I’m not convinced all my jokes translated well, or maybe their just not funny anyway!


Everyone picked up the kayak skills quickly, I’m told that canoeing is a standard pastime out in their county and since most paddling strokes transfer well to kayaks it was easy.

The first group on the water where very lucky to see the seals swimming around and popping up all over the place. Sadly with the second group we didn’t see any, but that gave us the time to go for a longer paddle to see more of the amazing coastline.