Ewe Canoe is just me, Conor. I don’t employ other people in an office or to run any sessions. This means that sometimes you might have to leave me an answerphone message as I can’t always answer my phone, but I will get back to you when I get a chance. You’ll always be with me on the water, so you’ll always get the true Ewe Canoe experience you’ve read about on Tripadvisor!
Please contact me to discuss your adventure. Signal up here is often quite poor, so feel free to send me a text message if you’re having signal issues. If I don’t answer it may be because I’m on the water with a group, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you when I can.

If you’re planning a trip to the area please send me an email with information about your group and when you’ll be in the area. We’ll then be able to find a time that suits us all, I leave the location till I’ve seen the recent weather forecast so that we can get as much shelter from the wind as possible.
I expect to be given at least 48 hours notice if you are not going to be able to make it, if this is not given and I can not find new people to fill that slot then I expect full payment. I do not believe this to be unreasonable as I do not mix groups, so will end up with no customers. I will be able to provide you with a receipt so that you can claim the cost back from your insurance if that is applicable. If you feel this is unreasonable then please don’t book with me or any other small businesses.
Want to book for today or tomorrow? You’re probably too late – I get booked up very quickly.
07980 588467
[email protected]
Please call, email or use the form below to arrange your adventure.
If you get through to my answer phone then please leave a message and I’ll get back to you when I can – I don’t answer my phone when I’m out paddling, so if you can’t get through it’s better to leave a message rather than call back every five minutes!
The best option is to fill in the form so that I can respond when I get on my computer and I can send you more information.

Conor Brown
I moved to Wester Ross in 2009 after living a slightly nomadic life moving around, working mainly as a freelance outdoor instructor and also a residential care worker. I have instructed in many locations across the United Kingdom and in France; ranging from hour long taster session to week long expeditions.
I am also a member of Dundonnell Mountain Rescue team; a team who cover a huge area from Gairloch in the west, right over to the east coast and south down to Glen Affric. I’ve held a few roles within the team, currently I’m training officer, which I’ve been for the last number of years. DMRT page. Just giving page.
During any other spare time I enjoy climbing on the local crags, getting out in the mountains and of course, heading out in a boat.
Booking form
You should get a confirmation email, if you don’t please try again or email me at [email protected]